Sunday 31 May 2009

The Month Of May

We come to the end of another month, today is the last day in May. Before it finally slips away here are a few traditions concerning the month of May.

Gemstone: Emerald
Flower: Lilly Of The Valley

May is named after the Greek goddess, Maia.

Traditional Celebrations include dancing around Maypoles, appearance of' 'hobby horses' and Jack in Green.

May 1st is also known in some areas as Garland Day.

May 29th is Oak Apple Day - so called because on that day King Charles 1st returned triumphantly to London after evading capture by Cromwells troops, by hiding in an oak tree.


"A wet May makes a big load of hay.
A cold May is kindly and fills the barn finely."

"A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay."

"Mist in May, Heat In June
Makes harvest come right soon. "

Just thought you might be interested!