Wednesday 28 January 2009

Eco-friendly Light Bulbs

About a week ago I went into Homebase to buy some 100w pearl light bulbs. Having searched the shelves thoroughly it was obvious there were no 100w bulbs to be found. I asked one of the assistants if they had any. He explained they were gradually running their stock down in line with the EU directive to phase them out. He kindly offered to go and look in the stockroom to see if there were any left. Surprise, surprise! He came back with what he said were the last two. I gratefully took them, suddenly becoming aware these may be the last 100w bulbs I will ever buy. Whilst he was gone I was reading about the new bulbs which will eventually replace the 100w. I was impressed with what it said on the box, particularly how it only burns at 20w but gradually warms up to give a 100w equivalent light. Moreover, and this was really impressive, it would last up to 8 years. I decided to give it a try and bought one. When I tried it at home it took a short while to warm-up but eventually gave off an acceptable light, though I doubt it was equal to 100w. However, I felt it performed well enough and decided, there and then, this was the way to go. Lo and behold, on the fourth day it blew and that was the end of that. Eight years, it didn't even last eight days. It may have been 'Eco' but it certainly wasn't very friendly.