Wednesday 18 February 2009

A Good Idea? Or Just Plain Lazy

I was watching a report on the local news last night. It transpires that one Yorkshire council has taken the decision to do away with the apostrophe. They showed several shots of road signs on which the apostrophe should have appeared but had been omitted. In one instance, two signs opposite each other and bearing the same road name were shown, one with the apostrophe the other without. Personally, my punctuation is appalling, so doing away with it would save me a lot of embarrassment. Having said that, I do not believe this is the right way to go and I hope they reverse their decision. However, compared to modern day text messages, which to me seem like a foreign language, a few apostrophe's (should that one be there?) seem quite insignificant. It was while I was thinking about all this the following quotation came to mind.

The older I grow, the less important the comma becomes. Let the reader catch his own breath.
Elizabeth Clarkson Zwart