Monday 16 March 2009


Can you knit? Do you know someone else who can knit? If so you may wish to give your support to a world wide initiative to help orphaned children in Africa. To find out how read the following appeal by an organisation called 'Knit a square'.

There are an estimated 1.4 million orphans in South Africa, many of them as a result of losing their parents to HIV AIDS.

This number keeps growing, over 500 children a day become orphans. This is a terrible and mostly unrecognised human tragedy. has recently been set up to ask the knitters and crocheters of the world to send an 8 by 8 inch (20x20cm) square or more to specified charities in South Africa, where they will be made up into blankets for these children.

The orphans live in terrible poverty. They lack love, shelter, food, education and warmth. Many charities are working hard to provide the first four of these basic human needs.

The knitters and crocheters of the world can provide the last.

If you knit or crochet just one square and send it, your efforts will achieve our goal, 10,000 blankets by the end of 2009.

You will have reached out and put a protective arm around a child who needs your support.

The more you knit and crochet, the more blankets we will make, the more children who were cold, will sleep warmly at night.

If you can possibly help, please do. These children have not brought this terrible tragedy on themselves, they are innocent victims and they are suffering a terrible plight. For more information click on the following link and take the first compassionate step towards giving them the help and support they need and deserve.