Thursday 5 March 2009

Poem - Blankney In Spring

What a wonderful sight the snowdrops are this year. The wet winter has obviously helped them to thrive and they seem bigger and better than ever. Snowdrops are the first flowers to herald Spring and provide a welcome boost at the end of long hard winter.

Blankney In Spring

White clouds sail a sky of blue
Hastened by the breeze
That blows through Blankney village
And gently sways the trees
Little cottage gardens
Their neat and tidy beds
Home to hosts of daffodils
That gently nod their heads
Hedgerows coming into leaf
Following winters rest
Provide the perfect cover
As the blackbird builds his nest
Land turned brown by Autumn plough
Now begins to yield
Adding different shades of green
To each and every field
In the meadow by the farm
Lambs race around the pond
And jackdaws perch precariously
In Becks wood just beyond
Buds begin to open
Warmed by springtime sun
Amidst great anticipation
A new cycle has begun

Rodney Garlant