Wednesday 8 April 2009

Why Am I Looking In The Fridge?

Boots accountant, Ben Pridmore says "I forget everything, I walk into a room and forget what I am doing there, open the fridge and wonder why I am looking in there. I am famously bad at being able to remember peoples names and faces. So, what is so remarkable about that you may ask, we all do it. The reason it is so remarkable when Ben Pridmore says it, is because he is the reigning World Memory Champion, having won the title in 2008. It takes him less than 30 seconds to memorise a pack of playing cards. Give him an hour and he can remember a further 26 more packs. Ben's other achievements include remembering 930 binary digits in five minutes and 4,140 binary digits in 30 minutes. Click on the following link to see Ben in action as he takes a memory challenge against BBC journalist Stephen Robb to see how many playing cards they can each remember. Then click the second video to watch Ben telling Stephen how he does it.