Monday 11 May 2009

The Problem With Rules

So, the bubble has finally burst on MP's expenses. Whilst ordinary hard working people struggle against the recession many of our politicians are laughing all the way to the bank.
First it was greedy bankers, now it is greedy politicians. The worst aspect of the whole sorry mess is that they are laughing at the very people who elected them, the very people who are funding their outrageous expense claims through their ever increasing taxes.
Yesterday, the Daily Telegraph disclosed details of Labour politicians expenses after a leaked database fell into the newspapers hands. Today it is the turn of Conservative politicians to be exposed.
What will happen as a result of this exposure? Precisely nothing! This is because technically they have done nothing wrong, they have claimed within the rules. We all know there have to be rules in society, without them chaos would reign. The problem with rules is, unless they are fair and based on basic morality, they can also provide loopholes for people to use them for unfair personal gain. Thus, these morally bankrupt guardians of the state can stand in front of the television cameras and say 'I did nothing wrong - I claimed within the rules'.
We can only hope that a more fair and sensible set of rules will replace the existing ones and force politicians to behave in a way more acceptable to their constituents. They are certainly not going to do it voluntarily.