Thursday 29 January 2009

More on Eco-friendly Light Bulbs

Yesterday I wrote a somewhat flippant article on Eco-friendly light bulbs. Since then I have read a rather disturbing article on the same subject. Charities and eyesight specialists are calling on the government to halt its plans to phase out the traditional bulbs.
David Adams, spokesman for the Royal National College for the Blind, raised concerns about people with sight conditions who particularly rely on good lighting. He said most people did not have total loss of vision and would therefore want to make the most of what they have left. Interestingly, the government admitted there was a problem, pointing out alternatives were still available.
A spokesman for DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) also admitted that the new bulbs do not give off as much light as the old ones. The reason given was that the new type bulbs give off a diffused light. She also claimed that the price of bulbs will come down and the technology will improve. I suspect we shall be hearing a lot more about light bulbs in the near future.