Wednesday 18 March 2009

Antiques Roadshow

First Stop is Lincoln Cathedral
The following article appeared in the Historic Lincoln Newsletter, March edition, and they very kindly allowed me to reproduce it.
BBC ONE's ever popular Sunday evening programme ANTIQUES ROADSHOW will be filming for its 32nd series at Lincoln Cathedral, on Thursday, 19th March, 2009. The doors open at 9.30 am and close at 4.30 pm. This will be the first filming venue of the series.
This will be presenter Fiona Bruce's second year with the Roadshow and she says, "Presenting the Antiques Roadshow is, for me, one of those rare and very lucky coincidences in television when you get to work on a show that you love to watch"
Some of Britain's leading antiques and fine arts specialists will be on hand to offer free advice and valuations to visitors who are invited to raid their attics and bring along their family heirlooms, household treasurers and car boot bargains for inspection by the experts.
People with large items can send details and photographs of their objects to: ANTIQUES ROADSHOW, BBC, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR or e-mail:
Series editor Simon Shaw says: "The team are all looking forward to visiting Lincoln Cathedral. It's always exciting to see what will come to light on the day. We regularly see between 1500 and 2000 visitors on the day. Despite the high turnout everyone will get to see an expert.
Helen Wilson from Lincoln Cathedral said "the show is watched by 8-9 million viewers every week so it is an excellent profile for the city".
Any Journal readers who fancy going along tomorrow, and who have items that may be of interest and value, this is your chance to get a free reliable estimate from some real experts. If you would like to be on the Historic Lincoln Newsletter mailing list, you can ring 01522 550641 with your details, or alternatively e-mail: For general information about events in the Lincolnshire area click the following link