Sunday 21 June 2009


Today's brainteaser is a set of 'Trivia' questions. Ten questions requiring an answer. How many do you know the answers to!

01 Only one part of Britain was captured by Germany during the Second World War. Which part was it?
02 Who went to Valhalla after their deaths?
03 Who wrote the play 'The Mousetrap'?
04 Which capital city has a statue of a mermaid in its harbour?
05 Which animal is unable to stick out its tongue?
06 What are stratus, cumulus, and nimbus?
07 What was the strong tower at the centre of medieval castles called?
08 What did John Logie Baird invent.
09 Who created the Metropolitan Police force?
10 What is a pongo?

Good luck with this brainteaser!