Thursday 13 August 2009

Famous London Pubs - The Widow'sSon

The widow's son was due back in London on Good Friday.His mother had made some hot-cross buns to welcome him home to their cottage in Bow. He never did make it and was never seen again. Every Easter she made a special bun, hoping for her sons return. He never came back and by 1848 the widow had died, and the cottage became a pub, taking the name 'The Widow's Son' to remember a mothers grief. The hot-cross buns have still been coming every Good Friday for the past 130 years. The buns left hanging from the ceiling, some as hard as iron. Every Good Friday, a Royal Navy sailor adds a new bun to the collection which hangs in the pub. Sailors from around Britain come to pay their respects to the widow and her son. They hold a religious service, then sing drink and generally have a good time.

Reproduced by kind permission of 'Knowledge of London '.